The Mathematical Library
library comprises a standard set of mathematical functions, such as trigonometric functions (sin
, cos
, tan
, asin
, acos
, etc.), exponentiation and logarithms (exp
, log
, log10
), rounding functions (floor
, ceil
), max
, min
, plus a variable pi
. ^
´ to work as the exponentiation operator.math.randomseed(os.time())
math.random ([m [, n]])
This function is an interface to the simple pseudo-random generator function rand
provided by ANSI C. (No guarantees can be given for its statistical properties.)
When called without arguments, returns a uniform pseudo-random real number in the range [0,1). When called with an integer number m
, math.random
returns a uniform pseudo-random integer in the range [1, m]. When called with two integer numbers m
and n
, math.random
returns a uniform pseudo-random integer in the range [m, n].
The Table Library
for name, line in pairsByKeys(lines) do print(name, line) end
function pairsByKeys (t, f) local a = {} for n in pairs(t) do table.insert(a, n) end-------------t陣列的鍵複製到a陣列
table.sort(a, f)
local i = 0 -- iterator variable local iter = function () -- iterator function i = i + 1 if a[i] == nil then return nil else return a[i], t[a[i]]----------------------------------a陣列的值a[i],t陣列的值t[a[i]]
end end return iter end
String Library
string.find(來源字串,目標字串) 回傳找到的開頭位置,結束位置,找不到回傳Nil
string.sub(來源字串,開頭位置,結束位置) 回傳指定區間的字串
s = "hello world" i, j = string.find(s, "hello") print(i, j) --> 1 5 print(string.sub(s, i, j)) --> hello print(string.find(s, "world")) --> 7 11 i, j = string.find(s, "l") print(i, j) --> 3 3 print(string.find(s, "lll")) --> nil
string.gfind改成gmatch(s, pattern)
s = "hello world from Lua" for w in string.gmatch(s, "%a+") do print(w) end
s = string.gsub("Lua is cute", "cute", "great") print(s) --> Lua is great s = string.gsub("all lii", "l", "x") print(s) --> axx xii s = string.gsub("Lua is great", "perl", "tcl") print(s) --> Lua is great
' is simpler when written as '%d
' is the same as '%x
' finds any character that is not an octal digit
' is simpler than '[^%s]
To count the number of vowels in a text, you can write
_, nvow = string.gsub(text, "[AEIOUaeiou]", "")----------->回傳字母數
print(string.gsub("one, and two; and three", "%a+", "word")) --> word, word word; word word(一個以上的字母串)
i, j = string.find("the number 1298 is even", "%d+") print(i,j) --> 12 15 (string.find會回傳開頭位置,結束位置)(%d+ --> 一個以上的數字串)
test = "int x; /* x */ int y; /* y */" print(string.gsub(test, "/%*.*%*/", "<COMMENT>")) --> int x; <COMMENT>
3." . "點這個字元代表任何字元," .* "就變成0個以上的任何字串(可有可無)
4." / "不向反斜線字元,沒有任何作用。
5. int y; /* y */ 這字串被吃掉了,因為點*的關係,讓<COMMENT>取代的目標是 "/* x */ int y; /* y */"
test = "int x; /* x */ int y; /* y */" print(string.gsub(test, "/%*.-%*/", "<COMMENT>")) --> int x; <COMMENT> int y; <COMMENT>
' matching numerals like"-12"
[+-]本來是+或- 多個問號變成有第三個選擇 "無"
if string.find(s, "^%d") then ...
checks whether the string s
starts with a digit
if string.find(s, "^[+-]?%d+$") then ...
checks whether that string represents an integer number, without other leading or trailing characters.
Another item in a pattern is the '%b
', that matches balanced strings. Such item is written as '%bxy
', where x and y are any two distinct characters; the x acts as an opening character and the y as the closing one. For instance, the pattern '%b()
' matches parts of the string that start with a `(
´ and finish at the respective `)
print(string.gsub("a (enclosed (in) parentheses) line", "%b()", "")) --> a line(目的是把括弧內的字串刪掉)
Typically, this pattern is used as '%b()
', '%b[]
', '%b%{%}
', or '%b<>
', but you can use any characters as delimiters.
The I/O Library
, write
adds no extra characters to the output, such as tabs or newlines. Moreover, write
uses the current output file, whereas print
always uses the standard output. Finally, print
automatically applies tostring
to its arguments, so it can also show tables, functions, and nil.> print("hello", "Lua"); print("Hi") --> hello Lua --> Hi > io.write("hello", "Lua"); io.write("Hi", "\n") --> helloLuaHi